
About the Maglite company

The Maglite company is dedicated to the highest standards of integrity. They grew from a one-man workshop to a company with over 800 employees. They are proud of the tfact that their products are still manufactured in the United States of America.

Their products

Each Maglite flashlight represents the culmination of over 20 years of research, development and continuous improvement.

Everybody will find a product for themselves, because Maglite flashlights come in all sorts of sizes (depending on the battery size and number), colors and light bulb types:

  • krypton,
  • halogen,
  • xenon,
  • LED.

They also make the following accessories for these excellent flashlights:

  • mounting brackets,
  • belt holsters,
  • color lenses, including an infra-red and night vision green lens.
